The Death of a Young Woman

sir-winston-churchill-396973_640“We shall draw from the heart of suffering itself the means of inspiration and survival.”  (Sir Winston Churchill)

A young woman I know lost her sister to suicide.  There was no indication life had taken such a complete turnaround, a turnaround that was unbearable.

The family was crushed in their grief.  Sorrow was their only companion.

All they could do was to hold tightly to one another, hoping they would find comfort in those who remained.  It seemed this was a grief and a sorrow too complex to fade with time.

In their deepest suffering, each family member began to find a way to draw life from death.  They found paths to walk that inspired them.  They found creative ways in which to mitigate their suffering and mourning.

One such activity, from the heart of this suffering, has been the creation of almost daily Facebook posts.  These posts speak to the complex emotions with which this sweet young woman had to contend.  These posts offer answers spoken by those struck by grief.

One day a post of sunshine, another day a post of inspiration, a third day a post of doubt and growing confusion.

She would not have been swayed by Churchill’s words.  She could not have found the inspiration to survive.

That task is left to us.  We are summoned by hope to gather together and to look deeply into the heart of suffering.  There surrounded by familial love and shared memories, we are the ones who will draw inspiration from grief.  We are the ones who have been called upon to survive.  We are the ones who are destined to bring hope and peace and courage to those who are not as strong as we.

There will come a time when the confusion stops.  That time may already be beginning.  The Facebook posts are the beams of hope that are reaching out.  This is the time to find inspiration.  This is the time to survive.  This is the time to embrace life.




Author: Jon

Aspiring Writer and Blogger. Former Banker, Teacher, Headmaster and Pastor.

4 thoughts on “The Death of a Young Woman”

  1. This is a beautiful post, Jon. I can’t help wondering what you think and feel about the mood of our country these last few weeks. It seems to me that hope/hopelessness is definitely a central reality in many ways, on many levels in our national context.

  2. I had never heard that quote by Churchill. I sat and contemplated it for a while. I had never thought of it with those words – draw from the heart of suffering itself – as if it is an entity – for the inspiration & survival. I have known people devastated by the suicide of a loved one. I have been shaken to the core with the confusion and horror that causes, as well as other losses and traumas. There is indeed a need for those not in the midst of the suffering to offer up the hope so desperately needed by those tossed about in the raging storm.

    I’m not sure I said accurately what is going on in my heart. This post touched me deeply. Thanks.

    1. Working with folks who have been touched during such a devastating time is truly humbling. To be invited to share in grieving I have not experienced is almost overwhelming. Being present is all that I offer.

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