Who Can Imagine This?

No one can look at a scene such as the one above and not feel overwhelmed. The magnitude of destruction and uncertainty defies adequate description. There is nothing one can say or do to minimize the devastating effect of the events that befell this town during one particular tornadic event.

It is amazing to me how quickly people begin to pick up the pieces, gather their thoughts, and get to the hard tasks of recovery, rebuilding, and renewal. People, still reeling with disbelief get on with the cleanup and rebuilding. All the while, they are waging their own secret inner storms.

There is a inner strength that humankind possesses that emerges at times like this. In a time of tragedy one has to consider how to answer the question – am I a victim or a survivor?” The question may not surface with those exact words, but similar thoughts begin the process of recovery.

And not all strong personalities become survivors. And not all weak personalities become victims. There is some inner force that comes to those who will survive.

This is not a blog post outlining the fundamentals of survival. It is, however, a blog post about hope and an individual’s sense of future.

In my faith tradition, I read in Romans 8:38-39 – “For I am persuaded that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us, from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

It is in the assistance that shows up to help folks who have been through a cataclysmic event that points to divine love. Red Cross, volunteers, private and governmental assistance funds, and various agencies all show up to be part of the spirit of renewal. They stay until that spirit of renewal heals the hearts and minds of survivors.

Some believe that humankind is at its core, self-seeking and self-centered. But in times of tragedy, humankind proves itself to be much kinder and much more willing to be of assistance than we sometimes believe.

It is in moments of tragedy and utter hopelessness, that the inner hope and strength of others is unleashed. There are so many examples of folks setting aside their needs and wants and providing healing gestures to those in crisis.

This simple act of responding to people in need, people who have had unimaginable losses, this simple act of bringing hope to folks who struggle, this is a kindness we all possess. You and I have the ability to bring hope when it is needed. No sermons, no lectures, no instructions are needed.

We are all survivors and we are all victims. Those who have helped us see a way forward are the quiet people of presence who offer strangers love, care, and compassion. In these times when the world seems so divided and so confused, we can quietly step up and bring a healing presence of hope through random acts of kindness.

This is my faith at work. This is the faith that reminds me, I am not alone, I am not forgotten, I can and I will weather every storm. This is the power and promise of hope. This is the power and promise of finding a way to healing.

Can you imagine this?

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