Core Values Part Two

Core Values Part Two

Knowing our personal core values helps us define our goals in life and as I suggested in Part One, affects what we hope to pass along to the next generation.  Just as importantly, recognizing our core values can help us discern if we are living in such a way as to pursue some great vision, some noble purpose.

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Core Values Part One


Core Values Part One

Not long ago I asked the members of a writing group to which I belong if they would share their thoughts concerning basic values.  I asked them what value they would want to pass on to the next generation.  Here are some of the responses I received.

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Disappointment and Anger


Is there some emotion or response I can grab hold of to fill the gap between feeling disappointed and feeling angry?  I am not yet angry at the lack of principled leadership in organizations such as government and faith-based communities.  I am, however, more than disappointed.  I don’t know how to define my unease or how to resolve my disappointment.  Without some potential remedy, I am concerned that anger may result.

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Satisfaction or Hope

“It is a certain sign of a wise government and proceeding that it can hold men’s hearts by hopes when it cannot by satisfaction.”  Francis Bacon (1561-1626)

What can we learn from the past?  Nothing, unless we study it and internalize the successes we discover.  We must also seek to understand the failures that have occurred along the way.

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Living with Hope Will Make You Worth Remembering

art-1295282_640“Nothing’s so Sacred as Honor and Nothing’s So Loyal as Love.”  Wyatt Earp (1848-1929)



How many people have lived and died since humankind first walked on earth?  Why do we know the names and stories of some while others have slipped away unnoticed?  Why isn’t every life remembered?

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